A single amplified genome catalog reveals the dynamics of mobilome and resistome in the human microbiome

Scritto il 02/10/2024
da Tetsuro Kawano-Sugaya

Microbiome. 2024 Oct 2;12(1):188. doi: 10.1186/s40168-024-01903-z.


BACKGROUND: The increase in metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) has advanced our understanding of the functional characterization and taxonomic assignment within the human microbiome. However, MAGs, as population consensus genomes, often aggregate heterogeneity among species and strains, thereby obfuscating the precise relationships between microbial hosts and mobile genetic elements (MGEs). In contrast, single amplified genomes (SAGs) derived via single-cell genome sequencing can capture individual genomic content, including MGEs.

RESULTS: We introduce the first substantial SAG dataset (bbsag20) from the human oral and gut microbiome, comprising 17,202 SAGs above medium-quality without co-assembly. This collection unveils a diversity of bacterial lineages across 312 oral and 647 gut species, demonstrating different taxonomic compositions from MAGs. Moreover, the SAGs showed cellular-level evidence of the translocation of oral bacteria to the gut. We also identified broad-host-range MGEs harboring antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which were not detected in the MAGs.

CONCLUSIONS: The difference in taxonomic composition between SAGs and MAGs indicates that combining both methods would be effective in expanding the genome catalog. By connecting mobilomes and resistomes in individual samples, SAGs could meticulously chart a dynamic network of ARGs on MGEs, pinpointing potential ARG reservoirs and their spreading patterns in the microbial community. Video Abstract.

PMID:39358771 | DOI:10.1186/s40168-024-01903-z